Why it’s not enough to add a ‘nonbinary’ option

Robin Dembroff writes in the NYRB:

I grant to progressive lawmakers that it is better to have a third, nonbinary option than to limit constituents to “male” and “female.” It is an achievement to resist a near-universal legal practice of marking (and policing) bodies according to a binary classification of reproductive features. The best solution, though, would be eliminating all gender markers on state-issued identification. Americans should not have to resign themselves to a choice between two legally classified genders based on genitals and three legally classified self-identities.

Read the rest.


UCU Sexual Harassment Helpline

The UCU (union for most academics in the UK) has just opened a sexual harassment hotline, which is an excellent initiative.

This is a dedicated service for UCU members which any UCU member can reach on 0800 138 8724.  The helpline is in collaboration with Education Support Partnership (Ed Support).  Any member who has concerns or is experiencing sexual harassment can call 0800 138 8724 in confidence, free of charge and 24/7 to talk about their experience, discuss options, receive counselling (if clinically appropriate) and details of further sources of support, if necessary.

This is in addition to the workplace support from your branch. The helpline is an opportunity to discuss confidentiality your experience and talk through what you want to do next which may include asking your branch to support you take action against your employer. Many branches are now creating a named contact for sexual harassment cases and we are urging branches to adopt this approach and the model policy.

UCU is fully committed to eradicating sexual violence and harassment. Please call if you need to – we want to support you in every way we can.

What to expect when calling the service:

The call handlers will read out a confidentiality and code of ethics statement, take a few details and will ask you to discuss the issue you are experiencing. Ed Support’s specialists assess each call individually to locate the best course of action for you. Please note that if you request a call-back or are expecting a follow up call from the helpline this will appear on your phone as a withheld number for confidentiality reasons. If you need to get back in touch or enquire about a call-back to the service, please ring 0800 138 8724  or email them here – please include UCU sexual harassment helpline in your email subject and in the body of the email so they direct you to the right place.

If the lines are particularly busy or out of hours you may find that your call is answered by a specialist in a global service centre. This is to make sure as many calls are answered as possible so distressed callers are not being put through to an answer machine. Please rest assured that all specialists are suitably qualified and trained and your call will be handled in the best way possible.