We report with sadness, We are sad to report…

As we announced April 23, Feminist Philosophers is shutting down. This is one of a series of posts by FP bloggers looking back on the blog and bidding it farewell.

I was invited to join Feminist Philosophers in December of 2007, toward the end of its first year. I had written a report to the APA Committee on the Status of Women about the numbers of women in philosophy in the United States, which seemed to be about 21% of postsecondary instructors in philosophy according to the National Center for Education Statistics (up from 1992 stats suggesting we were 13%!). Jennifer Saul emailed me and said that at FP, I could bring attention to the status of women in philosophy to a wider audience. I didn’t realize how true that was. I didn’t know that the blog was already getting 20,000 views a month, that it would eventually reach closer to 200,000 views a month.

I learned in short order that contributors to the blog were spending enormous amounts of time and emotional labor on nights, on weekends, between classes, before dawn. They were writing each other massive amounts of emails to each other about posts, about comments, about what future topics to discuss, about their responsibilities. Jennifer Saul read everything, replied to all. I engaged gradually, not publishing very regularly until a couple of years in. I entered those vast and earnest oceans of conversation.

Effort didn’t always translate into success. But the correspondence of the women and men who blogged here was an honor to witness. They demonstrated courage when I was hesitant to be so public. They demonstrated receptivity to each other’s points of view when I was still sorting out what I thought. And they kept working, raising to awareness topics that might otherwise be overlooked.

The overlooked can easily include the passing of feminist philosophers. I started volunteering to write our obituaries more often. Jean Harvey. Sara Ruddick. Claudia Card. Sandy Bartky, so soon after Claudia. Vicky Davion, who was just nine years older than me. My write-ups fell into a pattern: We report with sadness. We are sad to report.

I think it’s right to wind this blog down. Many of us are doing so much elsewhere and doing less here. I agree with Jenny Saul and Audrey Yap that the Internet has changed so much that a lot of the purposes this blog used to serve are served well in other places. Public discourse is different now. But I find with some surprise that I regret the shutdown means ceasing these recognitions of lost feminists. I don’t know if there is a better place to pause and say, to those willing to attend, that a feminist philosopher has died, that she gave us her time and labor, that she was courageous, that she was receptive, that she kept working.

And of course, those are just the tenured, well-published individuals that we notice. Feminist goals and philosophical aims are realized by prominent individuals sometimes, but far more often require the work of unknown and countless people, in solitary and collective,unrecognized effort. I realize that’s how most of the work of life gets done.

Individually, we each need some recognition, some acknowledgement that we’re here, if only to continue broad-based struggles. The nicest thing about joining a blog called Feminist Philosophers was that its very title said, with some presumption but with puckish impunity, that we’re here and that we are numerous. A blog asserting the presence of feminist philosophers is a declaration of our existence, and our commenters and contributors pushed us to more and better forms of recognition. Readers have taught me to pay attention more deliberately, even to differences, especially to differences.

I notice you, feminist philosophers who pour invisible hours into efforts. I bet that you are giving, wherever you are. I hope you take vacations. I appreciate some fraction of how much you’ve done. I know you keep working. Take turns and take breaks. Be courageous. Be receptive. Recognize each other.

We support with gladness. We are glad to support.

(Thanks, Jenny.)

CFP: Aesthetics, Rocky Mountain style

American Society for Aesthetics

Rocky Mountain Division

Call for Abstracts

March 1, 2019 Submission Deadline

The Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Division of the American Society for Aesthetics will take place at the Drury Plaza Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 12-14, 2019.

Manuel Davenport Keynote Address: Dominic McIver Lopes Cosmopolitan Aesthetics

Dominic McIver Lopes FRSC teaches at the University of British Columbia. He holds a Canada Council Killam Research Fellowship and he has been a Guggenheim Fellow and a Levinhume Visiting Professor. He has written books on the semantics and values of images, the artistic role of technology in computer art and photography, methodology in aesthetics, the nature of art, and the nature and importance of aesthetic value. Building on his work on aesthetic value, his next project is a book entitled Cosmopolitan Aesthetics.

Michael Manson Artist Keynote Address: Pamela Knoll Philia and Figurative Art

Pamela Knoll is a figurative artist who works primarily from life and sees her work as a representation of the exchange between the model and herself. “Working from the model is like a form of intense, careful listening, except that it’s visual. The drawing or painting that results is a report of what I see and feel during the exchange.” She received her Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2006. In 2011 she began seriously studying drawing and oil painting under the guidance of artists Richard Morris and Sean Cheetham. Her work has been included in group shows, most recently at Kate Oh Gallery in New York. Pamela lives in Los Angeles where she continues to hone her drawing and painting skills to better serve her art.

Submission Guidelines—March 1, 2019 Submission Deadline

We welcome presentations in all fields and disciplines pertaining to the history, application, and appreciation of aesthetic understanding. We are always particularly interested in research involving interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches emphasizing natural and cultural character of the American Southwest.

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FPQ 4.4: Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory

On behalf of my co-editors, I am happy to announce the publication of Volume 4, Issue 4 of Feminist Philosophy Quarterly. This special issue of peer-reviewed articles on the topic of Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory is guest-edited by Paul Giladi and Nicola McMillan, and includes contributions by authors Matthew Congdon, Anna Cook, Michael Doan, Debra L. Jackson, Andrea Lobb, José Medina, and Louise Richardson-Self, followed by an afterword by Miranda Fricker.

As always, we are free and open-access to authors and readers.

Check out the lovely table of contents!

Special Issue: Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory

Paul Giladi, Nicola McMillan, Introduction: Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory

José Medina, Misrecognition and Epistemic Injustice

Matthew Congdon, “Knower” as an Ethical Concept: From Epistemic Agency to Mutual Recognition

Andrea Lobb, “Prediscursive Epistemic Injury”: Recognizing Another Form of Epistemic Injustice?

Louise Richardson-Self, Offending White Men: Racial Vilification, Misrecognition, and Epistemic Injustice

Michael Doan, Resisting Structural Epistemic Injustice

Anna Cook, Recognizing Settler Ignorance in the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Debra L. Jackson, “Me Too”: Epistemic Injustice and the Struggle for Recognition

Miranda Fricker, Epistemic Injustice and Recognition Theory: A New Conversation —Afterword


CFA for CSWIP2019: Feminism and Food


Feminism and Food

October 25-27, 2019

University of Guelph

The Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy invites papers and panel proposals from all areas of philosophy and all philosophical approaches, including and not limited to analytic, continental, and historically oriented philosophy. Submissions related to the theme are especially welcome. Submissions of long abstracts (1000 words) are invited for eventual presentation of papers not exceeding 3000 words. Deadline: 12am EST, February 1, 2019. Email cswipsubmissions2019 at gmail dot com

Our conference theme is “Feminism and Food.” This conference asks participants to consider how food, as a topic worthy of philosophical investigation, is related to feminist challenges to traditional discourse. How has food been discussed in the history of philosophy, or overlooked? How has feminist philosophical scholarship taken into account issues including the ethics and politics of food production, availability, and consumption? What counts as food, and how are metaphysical claims regarding the nature of food related to our attitudes to animals, to climate, and to cultural geographies?

Topics may include but are not limited to the following:

Disability, Feminism, and Food Justice

Food in the Anthropocene

Indigenous Food

Anti-colonial Food Justice

Hunting and/or/versus Farming

Ethical Eating

Feminist Cooking


Diet Culture


Gender and Gardening

Food Justice and Gender Justice

Food Deserts

Food and Literacy

Women and Food in Media and Marketing

Feeding and Eating With Nonhuman Friends

Please email the 1000 word abstract as a double-spaced document in Word or PDF, prepared for fully anonymous review. In your email, please provide your contact information and brief biographical material (for our SSHRC application), including: your institutional affiliation and degrees (starting with the most recent and specifying the discipline); recent positions and a few publications, especially those relevant to the event. We encourage all graduate students to indicate if they plan to submit the full versions of their papers for consideration for the 2019 Jean Harvey Student Award. To do so, please indicate in the body of your email that you would like for the paper to be considered. In that case, the completed paper, not exceeding 3000 words and prepared for anonymous review, must be submitted by 12am EST, Monday July 11, 2019.

Panel proposal submissions: Please submit two separate documents. 1) A panel proposal, including paper abstracts, for anonymous review. 2) A document with all panelist names and biographical information for the SSHRC application.

This conference will prioritize accessibility. Guidelines for accessible presentations will be distributed with successful participant notifications. Conference rooms and the reception space are wheelchair accessible, and information about wheelchair accessible transportation and accommodations will be available by the time of participant notifications. Participants will be asked to use microphones for all talks and for discussion periods. Food will be vegan/vegetarian, and there will be space on the registration form to note food allergies and sensitivities. Participants are asked not to bring or wear strong scents. A quiet room will be available.  Further information, such as information about childcare, breastfeeding and change room areas, and transportation to and from Guelph will be available soon at http://www.cswip.ca and also upon request. All conference participants will be asked to identify any presentation technologies and/or other supports required to participate, and anything else that can help mitigate potential barriers to participation. All information will be kept confidential. Please send all submissions to the following address: cswipsubmissions2019 at gmail dot com


CFP, #MeToo by March 31, 2019

From Lauren Freeman:


The American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy

Fall 2019 Issue: #MeToo and Philosophy

 The APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy invites papers on the topic of #MeToo and Philosophy. In 2006 Tarana Burke, a Black feminist social activist and community organizer, founded the Me Too movement to focus on the experiences of abuse suffered by Black and brown girls and women who are and remain disproportionately vulnerable. More specifically, the goal of Me Too was to connect survivors of sexual assault to the resources they need in order to heal. More than a decade later, this movement became #MeToo, a hashtag used in social media to demonstrate the ubiquity of sexual assault and harassment, especially in the workplace. As Tarana Burke has recently said, “What #MeToo allowed people to do was create community with these shared experiences. You have a built-in group of people who automatically gets you, who automatically believes you, who automatically wants to hear you. That’s the wildfire of it.”

This movement continues to be foisted into national and international consciousness as more and more men are accused and charged of sexually harassing and abusing women. And yet the number of cases that go unreported, the number of women who remain silent are even larger, pointing to the systemic problems of injustice for victims of abuse, assault, and harassment and the systematic failures of our institutions to bring about justice. All of these problems are complicated by the class, race, nationality, immigration status, sexuality, gender identity, and disability of victims.

#MeToo is a crucial form of resistance and the #MeToo movement, in all of its complexity, is ripe for philosophical engagement and analysis.

The APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy invites papers, book reviews, and narratives for the Fall 2019 issue that include, but are not limited to the following topics:

  • #MeToo and anger
  • #MeToo and shame
  • #MeToo and forgiveness
  • #MeToo and epistemic injustice
  • #MeToo and gaslighting
  • #MeToo and credibility
  • #MeToo and testimony
  • #MeToo and allies
  • Intersectional analyses of #MeToo movement
  • #MeToo and himpathy
  • #MeToo and misogyny
  • #MeToo and misogynoir
  • #MeToo and transmisogyny
  • #MeToo and justice
  • #MeToo and domestic violence
  • #MeToo and sex education
  • #MeToo and internet bullying
  • #MeToo and civility
  • #MeToo and the silencing of victims
  • #MeToo and academia
  • #MeToo in non-western countries and contexts
  • Trauma informed responses to #MeToo
  • #MeTooAfterKavanaugh
  • #WhyIDidn’tReport
  • The backlash of #HimToo

Invited papers by the following philosophers will appear in the issue:

  • Cassie Herbert (Illinois State University)
  • Alice MacLachlan (York University)
  • Lori Watson (University of San Diego)
  • Robin Zheng (Yale NUS-College)


The APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy welcomes three different types of submissions:

  1.  Papers: philosophical papers should be no longer than 7000 words (including references and footnotes).
  2.  Book reviews: The newsletter will publish reviews of books with feminist content. The length should be between 1500-2500 words. Review books need not be related to the topic of the special issue. Reviewers must have specific expertise on the subject of the text. The format of book reviews is as follows. They should begin with a brief description of the book as a whole, should contextualize the book within the relevant literature, and should develop a critical evaluation of at least some of the main themes and arguments. Evaluative comments should be specific, instructive, and respectful of diverse philosophical methods and voices.

If you are interested in reviewing a book for the Newsletter, please send a C.V. and a brief explanation of your particular interest in and qualifications for reviewing the chosen text to the following address: Lauren.Freeman [at] Louisville.edu. If you do not own the book, I will request a copy from the publisher. Deadlines for reviews are negotiable.

  1. Narrative essays: We also invite shorter narrative style essays of around 2500 words in length. These essays should be less formal than standard philosophical papers and can discuss issues and problems related to feminism that philosophers face within the academy, but also in our public and personal lives.

The format for all submissions to the Newsletter is available on the APA website: http://www.apaonline.org/?feminism_newsletter

Submissions should be prepared for anonymous review and must be submitted by March 31, 2019.

Send submissions to: Lauren.Freeman [at] Louisville.edu

Lauren Freeman

Editor, APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy

University of Louisville, Department of Philosophy



CFP by 12/15 for Philosophical Engagements with Trauma (March 22-23, 2019)

Call for Papers

Philosophical Engagements with Trauma March 22-23, 2019
University of North Carolina Asheville Asheville, NC

The Philosophy Department of the University of North Carolina Asheville will host a conference on Philosophical Engagements with Trauma on March 22-23, 2019. Featured events for the conference include a panel on Melissa Burchard’s recent book from Routledge Press, Philosophical Reflections on Mothering in Trauma, and our invited speakers:

Dr. Peg O’Connor, Gustavus Adolphus College
Dr. Abby L. Wilkerson, George Washington University

As this conference is the first that we know of to specifically focus on philosophy and trauma, we encourage a broad range of topics and engagements from, hopefully, a broad range of perspectives, including those traditionally underrepresented in philosophy.

Please send submissions to Melissa Burchard, Chair of the Department of Philosophy at UNCA, mburchar at unca.edu by December 15, 2018.

Who is Where? Why? And is it Just?

That’s the title of a CPA blog post by Letitia Meynell, approaching questions of equity in the profession as questions about population-selection pressures:

Basically, it boils down to asking three questions: What is the distribution of various groups? How did they get where they are? And is the situation just?

Regarding the first question, ceteris paribus one would expect the population of professional Canadian philosophers to reflect, roughly, the Canadian population at large—half women, 15 out of 20 white, 1 in 20 Indigenous, 1 in 10 having a disability of some kind (and so on). Choose your preferred level of statistical significance and that will tell you how much divergence from this is too surprising to be the result of chance.

The second question simply tries to understand what caused this divergence from the general population. I find it useful to think about this in terms of selection processes, analogous to those discussed in evolutionary biology (though, obviously, without inheritance playing a role). After all, we are talking about populations and how various subpopulations with socially significant traits find themselves in environments (i.e., academia in general and philosophy in particular) that are more or less conducive to their academic and personal flourishing.

Read the full essay here.

Feminist Philosophy Quarterly has moved

Readers and writers will find that if one uses, as the URL for our journal, feministphilosophyquarterly.com, it now redirects to a new site on an Open Journal Systems platform. We welcome new submissions there! We also have all of our previous issues at the new site (click on Archives at the top of it or View All Issues at the bottom). If you go to the old BePress site, you will find only a link to the new page, so you’re encouraged to update your bookmarks now.

Scroll down on the home page to see the current issue includes:

Marie Draz, Burning it in? Nietzsche, Gender, and Externalized Memory

Samantha N. Wesch, Resisting Ilsa: Foucaultian Ethics and the Sexualization of Nazism

Symposium: Author Meets Critics, Disorientation and Moral Life by Ami Harbin

Critics: Cressida J. Heyes, Dislocation and Self-Certainty

Ted Rutland, Disoriented Life

Liat Ben-Moshe, Dis-orientation, Dis-epistemology and Abolition

Response: Ami Harbin

CFA for SAF at Central APA, Denver

Society for Analytical Feminism

Feminist Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS by July 6, 2018

SAF Session at the Central Division APA 2019

Denver, CO, February 20-23, 2019



The Society for Analytical Feminism invites submissions of abstracts of papers or proposals for a session at the 2019 Central Division APA meeting in Denver.

Deadline: July 6, 2018

The Society seeks abstracts of works that examine feminist issues by methods broadly construed as analytic, or that discuss the use of analytic philosophical methods as applied to feminist issues. Authors should submit abstracts for papers of a length appropriate to a 20-minute presentation time. (If you are proposing an author-meets-critics session, involving multiple people, we welcome that information but expect an abstract-length proposal indicating that the author has confirmed to you their intention to participate, as well as indication of the relevance of the book/author to a SAF session, such as the themes to be discussed.)

Please delete all self-identifying references from your abstract to ensure anonymity. Send submissions as a Word or PDF attachment with the subject line SAF AT APA to Kathryn Norlock (kathrynnorlock at gmail dot com). Deadline for submissions: Friday, July 6, 2018. Graduate students or underfunded professionals whose papers are accepted will be eligible for the Society’s $350 Travel Stipend. Please indicate in your email if you fall into one of these categories and wish to be considered for the stipend.