Neuroscience and Pragmatism, for men

Neuroscience and Pragmatism: Productive Prospects

Since active and practicing scientists are less concerned with the history and philosophy of their field (and especially the history of the philosophy of their special discipline), it comes as no surprise that many cognitive neuroscientists are unaware of the contributions of pragmatism. This conference brings together pragmatist philosophers interested in neuroscience and neuroscientists interested in pragmatism. Developments in cognitive neuroscience offer fresh perspectives on philosophical and ethical problems concerning embodiment, agency, intelligence, knowledge, socialization, and ethics. Perhaps a neurophilosophical coalition of mutual interests around the label of “neuropragmatism” can be forged from these kinds of conversations.

Speaker Information

William Casebeer
Cognitive science
US Air Force

Anthony Chemero
Franklin and Marshall College

David Franks
Virginia Commonwealth University

James Giordano
Neuroscience and neuroethics
Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, University of Oxford

Teed Rockwell
Cognitive science
Sonoma State University

Jay Schulkin
Department of Neuroscience, Center for Brain Basis of Cognition
Georgetown University

John Shook
Neuroethics and pragmatism
George Mason University

Tibor Solymosi
Southern Illinois University

Another one for the list.

Thanks, S!

One thought on “Neuroscience and Pragmatism, for men

  1. will it be presented as a pragmate?

    this is neither a conference for men nor women – this is likely sub-intellect work, for the intellectual?

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