Philosop-Her on Gender and Journals

Philosop-Her has opened up another discussion on an important topic: whether quotas could help address gender balance in philosophy journal publishing. (The aim of the post is to start a conversation, rather than to argue for a view about this issue.)

In response to a comment that notes a familiar kind of worry about whether such actions may serve to reinforce prejudice, Meena writes (also in the comments):

Many people argue against affirmative action in the workplace for the reasons that you mention – namely, that it may be stigmatizing. In the end, I’m not sure if this is really the case. Research shows that once people are surrounded by people of colour, for example, and start working with them they start to perceive people of colour differently and more positively. I wonder if something similar wouldn’t apply to the case of seeing more articles by women in top tier journals. Once they are there, we may view the authors and their work more positively.

2 thoughts on “Philosop-Her on Gender and Journals

  1. I think there are some more factors than Meena’s wonderful piece mentions. One has been stressed by Christie Dotson and it was mentioned at several APA sessions in Dec. It consists in the contemporary new canons that can surround a topic.

    We might – perhaps with some unfair exaggeration – think of these as built up by the ways the guys discuss the topics in their papers, on blogs, etc. consideration of these is often essential if one’s paper is to be recognized as a contribution to the field.

    An example, which I fear I will never forget: i wrote a paper in a field where there was a lot of discussion of alternative forms of various position. I really thought they have all left out a very crucial factor, and i ended up not discussing them directly. Instead I presented an argument about the latest big topic: famous man’s thesis TH. i had an argument from ‘P or not-P’ to not-TH. A CLASSIC DILEMMA. the referee remarked that the famous man needn’t be worried by the dilemma and that I should instead have discussed certain standard topics.

    I think he just rejected it as an outsider’s inept contribution.

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