#Everday sexism

The Guardian reports on the Everday Sexism Project, The best comebacks to sexist comments.

“Followers of the Everyday Sexism Project have shared their wittiest responses to sexist abuse – funny, ferocious and not for the faint-hearted.”

Some funny examples:

@EverydaySexism guy makes orgasm noise at me as I walk past. Me: “that will probably be the only time you ever hear that noise in your life”

And I liked what they had to say about witty replies:

“When you experience sexism or sexual harassment, it’s common to feel a wave of emotions wash over you – fear, anger, embarrassment, shame, and often shock or panic. It’s often incredibly difficult to respond in the heat of the moment, and victims frequently report the frustration of feeling frozen. Sometimes you think of a witty comeback hours later and wish you’d had it at the tip of your tongue in time.

Let’s be very clear – it is never a victim’s duty or responsibility to shout back. We won’t solve any kind of sexism by telling the people experiencing it to react in a certain way, we’ll stop it by preventing the perpetrators from doing it in the first place. Often, it’s not safe to respond, particularly if you are isolated, or fear the situation could escalate. But for those times when you do wish you had a quick comeback, the Twitter followers of the Everyday Sexism Project shared a deluge of wonderful, witty responses this week.”

Here’s more about the Everday Sexism Project and how to share your stories:

“The Everyday Sexism Project exists to catalogue instances of sexism experienced by women on a day to day basis. They might be serious or minor, outrageously offensive or so niggling and normalised that you don’t even feel able to protest. Say as much or as little as you like, use your real name or a pseudonym – it’s up to you. By sharing your story you’re showing the world that sexism does exist, it is faced by women everyday and it is a valid problem to discuss.

If you prefer to e-mail me at laura@everydaysexism.com I can upload your story for you instead. Follow us on Twitter (and submit entries by tweet) at @EverydaySexism.”