PhD programs which graduate the most women and non-white students

Carolyn Dicey Jennings, a professional data guru who we should all be deeply grateful to, gives us the facts.  She also notes that some of the programs with the most women and non-white PhDs have recently been suggested as possibly meriting closure.  For more details, do go to her post.

Do feel free to comment either on Carolyn’s post or here.  But do observe the rules of the relevant venues.

CFP: SWIP UK Joint Session Panel


Society for Women In Philosophy (SWIP) UK – Call for Papers


SWIP UK Panel at the Joint Session of the Mind Association and Aristotelian Society, Cardiff University, 8th-10th of July 2016.


At the 2016 Joint Session there will be a SWIP UK panel of papers. Papers submitted to the panel should be consistent with the aims of SWIP UK,



* to facilitate co-operation between women in philosophy,

* to support women in philosophy,

* to promote philosophy by women, past and present,

* to foster feminism in philosophy and philosophy in feminism,

* to collect information of potential interest to women in philosophy,

* to raise public awareness of discrimination against women in philosophy, past and present,

* to end discrimination against women in philosophy.



We solicit full papers (2000 words) plus 250 word abstract, suitable to be delivered in no more than 20 minutes with a further 10 minutes for discussion. We encourage submissions from graduate students. (As with all the Open Sessions, papers accepted for this session will not be published in the Supplementary Volume of the Aristotelian Society).


The closing date for submissions is 8 February 2016 . We expect to confirm which papers have been accepted by the end of February.


Papers that are not accepted for the SWIP panel may be considered for the Open Sessions. You should indicate when submitting your paper whether you wish the paper to be considered for the Open Sessions.


Please make sure that your submission is suitable for anonymous reviewing and attach a separate document with your name and contact details. Email submissions are preferred; please send your full paper, with an abstract, as either .doc or .pdf attachment to Alessandra Tanesini (



To speak at this event you will need to register as a delegate for the Joint Session.  For information about registration and more details see here:



Prof. Alessandra Tanesini, Philosophy, Cardiff University



Dr Suki Finn, Philosophy, University of York
