OA Journals with Peer Review

UPDATE: I continue to add journals provided in comments to this list, and encourage newcomers to read comments if I’ve missed any. Thanks to commenters for supplying information.

Philosophers who answered my query as to current Open-Access and peer-reviewed journals, thanks for the results below. (I’ve been asked not to embed the links on this occasion.)

First, however, advice from a reader, on other methods of finding Open Access journals in Philosophy:
In the directory, DOAJ [https://doaj.org/], in the search menu, select in the left filter column as “Journals vs. Articles” “journals” and as “subject” “Philosophy (general)” [click, below the “subject” header in the left filter column, on the number “10” which represents the “filter list size”, change it to, say 99, in order to see it], under “Peer review” “double blind peer review”, and you have a list of 22. Useful are also “publication language” and “APCs”.
In the directory, ROAD [http://road.issn.org/], click on “advanced search”, “subject” = “philosophy” [just click on the selection field, enter “Ph” on your keyboard and select “Philosophy”], “publication type” = “journals”, “publication status” = “current”. Under “covered by”, it makes sense to select “Indexed by 1 – 5 ” or “6 – 10”, and you should have a list of 29.

OA Journals, peer-reviewed, Philosophy or related:
1. Aesthetic Investigations, http://www.aestheticinvestigations.eu/index.php/journal
2. American Society for Aesthetics Graduate E-journal (ASAGE), http://www.asage.org/index.php/ASAGE
3. Análisis Filosófico, http://www.scielo.org.ar/revistas/anafil/iaboutj.htm
4. A’nalytica, http://www.analytica.phs.uoa.gr/
5. The Australasian Journal of Logic, https://ojs.victoria.ac.nz/ajl
6. Comparative Philosophy, http://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/comparativephilosophy/
7. Contemporary Aesthetics, http://www.contempaesthetics.org/
8. Crítica, http://critica.filosoficas.unam.mx/
9. De Ethica: A Journal of Philosophical, Theological and Applied Ethics, http://www.de-ethica.com/
10. Disputatio, http://www.disputatio.com/
11. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, http://ejpe.org/
12. Ergo, http://www.ergophiljournal.org/
13. Essays in Philosophy http://commons.pacificu.edu/eip/
14. Ethics and Global Politics, http://www.ethicsandglobalpolitics.net/index.php/egp
15. The Ethics Forum/ Les ateliers de l’éthique, https://ateliers.erudit.org/?lang=en
16. Evental Aesthetics: http://eventalaesthetics.net/
17. Feminist Philosophy Quarterly, feministphilosophyquarterly.com
18. Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric: http://www.theglobaljusticenetwork.org/index.php/gjn
19. IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications, http://www.collegepublications.co.uk/journals/ifcolog/
20. Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy, https://jhaponline.org/jhap/index
21. Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics, http://www.cognethic.org/jcn.html
22. Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy, jesp.org
23. Journal of Practical Ethics, http://www.jpe.ox.ac.uk/
24. Kairos, Journal of Philosophy & Science, http://kairos.fc.ul.pt/
25. Krisis: Journal for Contemporary Philosophy, http://www.krisis.eu/index_en.php
26. Journal of Social Ontology, http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jso
27. Law, Ethics and Philosophy” http://www.raco.cat/index.php/LEAP
28. Logic and Logical Philosophy: http://apcz.pl/czasopisma/index.php/LLP/index
29. Logos & Episteme for epistemology, http://logos-and-episteme.acadiasi.ro/
30. Manuscrito, http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0100-6045&lng=en&nrm=iso
31. Nordic Wittgenstein Review (NWR), nordicwittgensteinreview.comjournal
32. parrhesia :: a journal of critical philosophy, http://www.parrhesiajournal.org/
33. PhaenEx:Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture, http://phaenex.uwindsor.ca/ojs/leddy/index.php/phaenex/index
34. Philosopher’s Imprint, http://www.philosophersimprint.org/
35. Philosophy & Theory in Biology, http://www.philosophyandtheoryinbiology.org/
36. Pragmatism Today, http://www.pragmatismtoday.eu/
37. Public Philosophy Journal (http://publicphilosophyjournal.org/
38. Public Reason, http://www.publicreason.ro/home
39. Rationality, Markets and Morals, http://www.rmm-journal.de/
40. Science, Religion, & Culture http://smithandfranklin.com/journal/Science-Religion-and-Culture/9
41. Semantics & Pragmatics, http://semprag.org/
42. Speculations: http://www.speculations-journal.org/
43. S.Ph.: Essays and Explorations. http://www.sphpress.com/journal/
44. Symposion: http://symposion.acadiasi.ro/
45. Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, http://www.ehu.eus/ojs/index.php/THEORIA/index
46. Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie, http://www.praktische-philosophie.org/index.php/zfpp