Are you on Twitter?

So much about Iran seemed to be coming from Twitter, so I joined.  It seems to be a great way to send a message to a group, as the protestors in Iran have been doing.  And there are also messages you might want to get.  You can keep up with tweets from CNN, the Nation or Perez Hilton, if you wish. 

I think that if I had a young children and a scattered family, it might be fun to have a family page on which grandparents might find a cute tweet.  And there’s a cat who writes a  daily haiku, along with ones we noted earlier  whose to-ings and fro-ings are tracked on Twitter; that’s Penny and Gus.

But there don’t seem to be many academic philosophers or even academic things, though clearly it would be useful for getting a group together during a large conference or to track friends in a large museum.  E.g., “I’ve found the Picasso’s; they’re on the third floor, in …”

There’s a need for a more robust feminist presence, so this blog might get a page and update it.  I can’t see yet how to have automatic updates.

What are your experiences, if you’ve had any?  Any uses I haven’t figured out in my short time on it (she says  hopefully)?