Dialogues on Disability – Maeve O’Donovan

The most recent in Shelley Tremain’s excellent series of interviews came out last week. I’m a little late posting here, due to a lack of internet access! The interviewee this time is Maeve O’Donovan, who discusses, (amongst other things): intersectionality, ADHD, and the failure of feminist philosophy to adequately incorporate and acknowledge issues surrounding disability.

Maeve is associate professor and chair of the philosophy department at Notre Dame of Maryland University and a former executive secretary of the Eastern Division of the Society for Women in Philosophy. Maeve is deeply committed to women’s education and empowerment and uses her roles as teacher, researcher, and department chair to promote an inclusive and diverse feminist space in philosophy that encompasses everyone who identifies as a woman or as a supporter of women. As she describes it, her research examines the fruitful and error-prone intersection of disability, feminism, and philosophy, with her current projects putting race at the center of that discussion. In recent years, she happily spent a great deal of her time caring for her terminally-ill father.

Go have a read!