CFP: Continental Feminist Theory


philoSOPHIA: a feminist society
5th Annual Meeting
Vanderbilt University
Nashville Tennessee

Thursday May 5th – Sunday May 8th, 2011

We welcome project proposals of works in progress that engage continental feminist theory and work done on major figures and themes from the continental feminist tradition, as well as feminist work inspired by continental philosophy more generally. We also strongly encourage interdisciplinary and innovative approaches that combine theoretical perspectives and situated reflections.

Extemporaneous presentations strongly encouraged, while reading papers is discouraged. The conference will have a variety of different kinds of session formats, including workshops, author-meets-critics, works in progress, round-table discussions of topics and/or recent books in Continental Feminism.

Guidelines for Submission:
1. Individual abstracts of approximately 750 words.
2. Panel proposals (500 words) with individual abstracts (750 words each). Panel proposals should include 3 panelists and 1 moderator.
3. Round-Table discussions. Proposals should include a topic (500 words indicating the importance of discussing a theme, or recent book published in the area of Continental Feminism), along with names of 3 people who will “kick off” the discussion, include the name of 1 moderator.
4. Author meets critics sessions. Proposals should include names of 1 moderator, 3 commentators and 1 respondent who is the author of a book published within the last 2 years.

Abstracts should be suitable for anonymous review. In a separate document, please include your name, affiliation, contact info, and a brief bio, along with the title of your presentation.

Please submit all proposals electronically to philosophia2011 AT For more information, visit go here or here.

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