Petition to take down pro-harassment sign

Sometimes the internet is so awesome. A few days ago, Liz Harman put up a Facebook post about an offensive sign she’d seen. Magical Ersatz did a post on it. And now, two days after that post, Holly Kearl at Stop Street Harassment has started a petition to get the sign taken down. To sign the petition, go here. The sign, of course, is this one:

7 thoughts on “Petition to take down pro-harassment sign

  1. Honestly, it’s a sad world where one isn’t surprised by such things, but the actions being taken by the government – on the state level – have made it seem to me as though the Feminist Movement and the advances it has made since the ’60s are being turned over. We actually seem to be regressing in this area as a country. Thoughts?

  2. Perhaps not regressing, so much as losing ground every time we let up on anything but concerted effort and attention. It’s not like we were ever making progress in a straight line, anyway. Each new generation has to fight for its rights.

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